Like bees to honey.
Attracting website visitors depends on creating attractive content – entertaining, informative, brief and up-to-the-minute – in a variety of interesting formats, both visual and verbal.
A solid SEO record.
To love the content, visitors have to find your site, which is why it makes sense to ask about our SEO services, both initial SEO and ongoing to keep your site competitive over time. Ask about what we have been able to do for others.
Integrated search, social, PR and online advertising.
We set up and manage online content, search engine marketing, local search, social media, e-communications, online publishing and traditional communications in an integrated blend that is uniquely appropriate to you.
Track your goals with website reporting.
Our customized, dashboard reports let you know quickly how well your site is performing. For an overview of the K&A Website Checkup, click for full details.